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Yahir is sixteen years old; he lives with his family in Chicahuaxtla, a Triqui town in the Mixteca region. In 2002, at the age of seven, he migrates to the United Estates with his mother to establish with his father in Virginia, at his arrival he was enrolled in school. There he studied second to ninth grade. During this time he enjoyed school very much because there was a lot of freedom, the students where allowed to dress as they wanted and choose their own classes. In his school in Chicahuaxtla, where he is now studying High School, everyone wears their hair very short, teachers are very strict, they focus very much on presentation, and the classes are the same for everyone.

Living in the United States, Yahir dressed like a cholo, with loose fitting clothes and long hair. When his brothers crossed to the United States, they did not recognize him; they thought there was a stranger in the house. Coming back to his hometown, Yahir stopped wearing that kind of clothing and cut his hair very short.

Once he finishes High School, he wants to study Tourism or Languages in Mexico City and later on go to Miami to live and work there, but he says that he would visit his family regularly. To be educated in those professions is very attractive to him because it would give him the opportunity of being in contact with people from different parts of the world.

September 2009

Textile, clothing, human hair.

117´´ X 110´´



Ethnic dress.