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Adelfo and Lety Adelfo and Lety are from the same town of Diaz Ordaz, in the Central Valleys region, but  met in Los Angeles, California. Today they live together and have two daughters Montserrat and April, seven and five years old.  Montserrat and April talked about their fascination with the Walt Disney princesses. They said that in the United Estates is where the authentic princesses are, that the ones here in Mexico are in disguise.

Adelfo migrated at the age of nineteen, because he wanted to have brand name tennis shoes, the latest electronics and clothing that in his town where very difficult and costly to acquire. Lety, seven years older then him, left for Los Angeles when she was fifteen years old. Her parents had migrated when she was little, she felt abandoned, and so when she turned fifteen she left and said that like they abandoned her, she abandoned them.

When Adolfo and Lety lived in Los Angeles their relationship suffered because of drug and alcohol abuse and one infidelity by Adelfo. After returning to Oaxaca one December, they decided to stay and work in Adelfo’s family business, making bread. They saw it like a way of starting over.

Living in their town again, they realized the consumer circle they lived in the United States. Together they earned good money and went to the malls to spend on clothing, tennis shoes, movies, cellular phones, gym memberships and expensive furniture that didn’t fit in their apartment. They did not have time for their daughters, Montserrat and April, or time to enjoy the material things they where buying.

Today, they have their own bakery, which they both work. Adelfo has the dream for his bread to become as famous as the Bimbo bread that all Mexican know. They have plans of returning one day to the United States to open a bakery; they say it would be very difficult to return as employees.

Before, Adelfo did not like his hometown; he saw it as a dusty, hot and insignificant. Today he says he enjoys his life there, he says that he feels that now he has the opportunity to enjoy his daughters and his wife. “What made us come together where not having material things anymore, because when you have to much, that emptiness that you feel is filled with things. We are suffering shortages and we value that”

August 2009.

Adelfo y Lety
Lightbox and photo album 31″ x 23″





Ethnic dress