Cartographies of the Spirit

 As the dresses, the series of the mandalas that make up this exhibition are imbued by varios layers of signification that are perceived not only by sight, but also by sound, touch and smell. It is conformed of eight pieces, seven of which allude to the chakras or energy centers of the human body, and one, of larger scale, that represents the principle of the sacred feminine that encarnates both in men and women.

            The mandalas presented by Irma Sofia Poeter are more tan a simple circular form, they are representations of structural models of life itself. Agreeing with the formal precepts of harmony and equilibrium, this series of embroidered collages not only transmit the efects of peace, but invites us to think in the reality that extends inward and outward of every being, for every pice aludes to the micro and the macrocosmos. That is why these kaleidoscopic images can be read like cartographies that trace the coordinates of a small cell or of the universe itself.

                        The series of mandalas, created from remnants of fabrics of different textures, providences and color range, also leads us to reflect on a aesthetic suggestion clearly including and “feminine”. And it is because, in each of them, Irma Sofia manages the coexistance in an organic manner of creeds, ideologies, cultures, forms and materials from arround the world, thanks to the embroidery technique. In this sense, that the artist resorts to her in her creations –although this technique considered outside the confines of art world and considerated it to be a minor activity, domestic, handcrafted and “feminine”- it is a symbolic act through which she reexaminates  and elevates the feminine principle that lives in every human being.

             In this way, weaving patterns of concepts, ideas and symbols that, depating from the patriarchal logic, would seem unrecognizable, the art of Irma Sofia, through an aesthetic and a very personal spirituality, gives account of how the dialoge with diverse popular cultural and formal traditions can not bring but a healing result.


Adriana Martínez Noriega






Mandala of the birds of harvest
Embroidery, fabric, lace and applique 
4″ x 4″



Mandala of the rabbits of fire
Embroidery, fabric, lace and applique
4″ x 4″

  Mandala of the wild horses

Embroidery, fabric, lace and applique 
3′ 8” x 4″ 




Mandala of the night of the deer
Embroidery, fabric, lace and applique 
3’8” x 4′




Mandala of the fish
Embroidery, fabric, lace and applique 
4″ x 4″



Mandala of the visions
Embroidery, fabric, lace and applique 
4″ x 4″



Mandala of the iluminated sunflowers
Embroidery, fabric, lace and applique 
4″ x 4″



Mandala of the Sacred Feminine
Embroidery, fabric, lace and aplique 
78” x 78”



Mandala of the garden
Embroidery, fabric, lace and aplique 
78” x 78”



Mandala of the sacred geometry
Embroidery, fabric, lace and aplique 
78″ x 78″